Survive the Game 2021

Azione, Romanzo giallo


James Cullen Bressack

A cop (David) gets injured during a drug bust gone wrong. His partner Cal, pursues the two culprits to a remote farm owned by Eric, a distressed veteran. As Cal and Eric plan their defense, more of the mob arrives. Outnumbered, the three men must now use their brains and experience to take down the drug-dealing mob. —Frank Liesenborgs

Una mujer que acaba de enviudar es sorprendida en su remota casa de campo por un policía que persigue a dos criminales. A éstos se les unirán el resto de la banda criminal y el socio del policía, en un enfrentamiento de bandos mortal.

Un homme voit sa tranquillité bouleversée par l'arrivée d'un flic et de dangereux criminels.

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